Bulimia Sufferers According To Some Statistics Around 2% Of Females Suffer From Bulimia Nervosa?

According to some statistics around 2% of females suffer from Bulimia Nervosa? - bulimia sufferers

Does this mean that 2% of women suffer from bulimia, the criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease needs.
Or for a wider range of people who suffer to do, but not the medical criteria for an official diagnosis?

Moreover, most of these women are simply better on their own, as is the case for some people, or is it more common for patients because a patient in a hospital or medical treatment from a psychologist or a psychiatrist?


Anabelle G said...

This implies that 2% of the amount meets the diagnostic criteria. So many people remain undiscovered for so long with an eating disorder. In particular, bulimia, it is easy to conceal, by the bulimia is a "normal" can eat before the people, as opposed to anorexia, bulimia or compulsive.

Most people with eating disorders need the help of a team of specialists (psychiatrists, nutritionists, GP, etc.). It is very difficult to overcome on their own, there are so many questions come with the deep-eating disorder (s).

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